Foundation Cigars Charter Oak Original Rothschild
The Charter Oak Original Rothschild Foundation Cigars combine traditional craftsmanship and Nicaraguan tobacco expertise to perfection. This exquisite cigar, created by renowned cigar maker Nicholas Melillo, combines high-quality materials with precise manufacturing for an unrivalled smoking experience.
Format and workmanship
In the classic Rothschild format, the Charter Oak Original Rothschild measures 11.4 cm in length and has a 50 ring gauge. The flawless Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper gives the cigar its deep brown colour and characteristic sweetness. It is wrapped in an Indonesian Sumatra binder, while the filler consists of exquisite Nicaraguan tobaccos. The careful workmanship ensures an appealing appearance, optimal draw and even burning behaviour.
Flavour profile
The Charter Oak Original Rothschild unfolds a harmonious and complex aroma profile that delights from the very first draw. Earthy notes combine with the pleasant sweetness of dark chocolate. As you smoke it, subtle toasted aromas and a delicate spiciness emerge, rounding off the taste experience and adding a touch of complexity.
Smoking experience
This cigar impresses with its excellent smoking behaviour. The draw is pleasantly light, the burn even, and the creamy smoke remains constant until the last draw. With a smoking time of about 45 minutes, the Charter Oak Original Rothschild is ideal for relaxed moments of enjoyment.
The medium-bodied Charter Oak Original Rothschild is perfect for the early evening or as an accompaniment to a mature rum. Thanks to its balanced complexity, it appeals to both experienced aficionados and ambitious novices. This cigar is a true highlight that embodies enjoyment and craftsmanship in every respect.
Binder: | Dominikanische Republik |
Bowl Shape: | Short |
Brand: | Foundation Cigars |
Diametetr: | 19.1 mm |
Filler: | Sumatra |
Length: | 121 mm |
Smoking Time: | 45-60 min. |
Status: | Nicaragua |
Strength: | 3 von 5 (mittelkräftig) |
Wrapper: | USA (Broadleaf) |