Cusano Bundles Honduras Churchill
The Cusano Bundles Honduras Churchill is a hand-rolled cigar from Honduras that impresses with its excellent price-performance ratio and reliable quality. It is aimed at aficionados who appreciate the classic Churchill format and are looking for a varied yet accessible smoking experience.
Format and workmanship
With a length of around 178 mm and a ring gauge of 48, the Cusano Bundles Honduras Churchill comes in the popular Churchill size. The Honduran cover gives the cigar a finely structured, appealing surface. The carefully selected tobacco blends for the filler and binder ensure an even roll and emphasise the solid craftsmanship. Despite its affordable price, it presents itself with an appealing look and reliable workmanship.
Flavour profile
The flavours of this cigar are pleasantly balanced. At the beginning, subtle spice and earthy notes dominate, complemented by fine woody tones and a subtle sweetness as the cigar smokes. The harmonious flavour profile makes it an ideal choice for relaxed moments, without being too strong or intrusive.
Smoking behaviour
The Cusano Bundles Honduras Churchill impresses with an even burn and a pleasant draw. With a smoking time of about 60 to 90 minutes, it offers a consistent flavour experience that impresses with intensity and balance. The stable and even ash underlines the clean workmanship and quality of the cigar.
With its mild to medium-bodied profile, the Cusano Bundles Honduras Churchill is an excellent choice for beginners who want to try their first cigars. At the same time, it also offers experienced smokers an uncomplicated everyday format that is characterised by its reliability. It harmonises perfectly with a mild rum or a soft whiskey and invites you to enjoy quiet evenings or short breaks in style.
Binder: | Indonesien |
Binder: | Honduras |
Bowl Shape: | Robusto |
Brand: | Cusano |
Diametetr: | 19.4 mm |
Length: | 178 mm |
Smoking Time: | Anejo XO Connecticut |
Status: | Dominikanische Republik, Honduras |
Strength: | 3 von 5 (mittelkräftig) |
Wrapper: | USA (Broadleaf) |