Corrida Honduras Short Robusto+
The Corrida Honduras Short Robusto+ is a powerful cigar that will delight both experienced smokers and those new to the world of strong cigars with its intense aromas and high-quality workmanship.
Format and workmanship
With a length of 102 mm and an impressive ring gauge of 60, the Corrida Honduras Short Robusto+ presents itself in the compact Short Robusto format. The wrapper and binder come from Honduras, while the filler is a harmonious blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The careful processing guarantees an even burn and optimal draw resistance. The striking black and red band also gives the cigar a modern and confident look.
Flavour profile
The Corrida Honduras Short Robusto+ unfolds a complex spectrum of aromas. Earthy and woody notes dominate at the beginning, accompanied by a subtle creaminess. As it progresses, nuances of roasted nuts, leather and black pepper emerge, complemented by a subtle sweetness. This balanced blend ensures an intense and varied taste experience.
Smoking behaviour
With a smoking time of about 45-70 minutes, this cigar offers an entertaining but full-bodied moment of pleasure. The burn is clean, the ash compact, and the draw remains pleasant throughout. The flavours continue to develop without losing their balance.
The Corrida Honduras Short Robusto+ is ideal for connoisseurs who appreciate full-bodied cigars with a balanced aroma. It harmonises perfectly with a spicy rum or a strong coffee and is ideal for an intense smoke in between. Thanks to its versatility, it is an excellent choice for both experienced smokers and those new to full-bodied cigars.
Binder: | Nicaragua |
Binder: | Honduras |
Bowl Shape: | Robusto |
Brand: | Corrida |
Diametetr: | 21.4 mm |
Length: | 101 mm |
Smoking Time: | 60-90 min. |
Status: | Honduras, Nicaragua |
Strength: | 2 von 5 (leicht) |
Wrapper: | Mexico (Oscuro) |